Tickets are on sale now for our Spring Concert: Fight & Flight.

Get your tickets soon as we will sell out!

Santa Barbara Gay Men's Chorus

Come sing with us!

The Santa Barbara Gay Men's Chorus (SBGMC) will once again be welcoming new members for the spring season. If you sing in the Tenor, Bass, or Baritone vocal ranges and would like to sing with our group, please let us know!  Email for more information.

Is there an audition?

We are a non-auditioned chorus.  Anyone that sings Tenor, Bass, or Baritone is welcome to sing with us.  You do not have to be "gay" or identify as a "man" as long as you are comfortable joining a group known as the "Santa Barbara Gay Men's Chorus."  Our artistic director, Timothy Accurso, may ask you to sing to help determine the best placement for your voice.

When will rehearsals begin?

Rehearsals have started and we are accepting new members until September 30th! If you would like to come and check it out, please contact us at

We rehearse weekly at the  First United Methodist Church, at 305 E. Anapamu Street, on Mondays from 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:40 p.m.

SBGMC continues to monitor and adhere to COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the county, city, and First United Methodist Church. Masking is optional but encouraged.